
Blog on a Blog

Ok so as I was browsing random blogs I happened to come across one that caught my eye and seemed particularly fascinating to me. Steven Booher is an architecture student currently studying abroad in Paris France. His blog, http://boohste.blogspot.com/, is about his current residency in the foreign country and he talks about his trips around Europe while he's there. Along with these stories are beautiful and very artistic pictures of the things he sees along the way.

I for one would love to go backpacking across Europe, staying in Hostels, going to bars, clubs, and discotecas evrynight, and just socializing with a different type of people. Plus there is just so much cool stuff to see like the Eiffel Tower, the Collesuem, Red Light District, Big Ben, Leaning tower of Pisa, and a whole bunh of other stuff. I want to see the world. I would hate to be stuck in dumpy old Endicott for the rest of my life. Steve you're a lucky man.

1 comment:

Jazzytap10 said...

This blog you found was real cool. I would love studying abroad and plan on doing so once in college. I'll go around Europe with you, but not so much backpacking, just take trips around while studying there would be fun. My sister (which she apologized) did it last year and says it was the best experience ever! Let's plan it! You'll be lucky when in Italy because you will have someone who knows the language!