
I <3 My Job

I think I may have possibly one of the greatest summer jobs ever. I am cuurently employed by The Links at Hiawatha Landing located in the scenic Apalachin NY. I may be just a grillroom dishwasher, but there is much more to my job than just scrubbing pots and pans. I am also a short order cook which means i must be able to whip up any item on the menu any time the chefs are not in the kitchen. I also help to prepare exquisite banquet meals for some of the rich and famous of Binghamton NY who host their golf tournaments here. Alot of other cool people hold tournaments up here like Madam 'Oars and of course they had to bring the girls. Most of them are pretty ugly by the way. I get to drive a golf cart around when i have to do things like change the kegs in the cooler or take out the trash. I set up tables and chairs, sweep and mop, carry supplies to and from the storage garage, or as we like to call it, "down below." Yeah I know what your thinking, this job actually doesn't sound very fun at all and the tasks seem miniscule, tedious and boring. At any other resteraunt or golf course theywould be. But the people I work with are what really make my job so amazing.
My boss, C Batts, is a middle aged guy who still remebers what its like to be a kid. Thats why when i need a day or a week off for almost any reason, he has no problem giving it to me. He's pretty cool and lets us fool around and listen to our boombox as long as we're getting the work done. My other bosses are my older brother's close friend Blackwell Petey and Blumers. Three of the coolest doods I have ever met in my life, and they basically let us get away with anything. My fellow dishmates are the sly ginger D-Stell, Petey's younger brother and golden bear Pat, and Dan who I used to play ice hockey with. I get along great with everyone which makes things runsmoother and helps get things done quicker so theres more time to goof around. Then theres all the people that work at the links but not in the grill room. There's Tony, TK, Chop, Tom Dragon, and all of the smokin hot bev-cart girls.
Last but certainly not least there are the benefits. FREEE FOOOD. FREEE GOLF. Actually the food isnt really free, they take 2$ out of my paycheck every time I work but trust me I take advantage of it. A couple red bulls, a couple monsters, some chicken tenders, about 5 powerades, beef jerkey, a burger, a sandwich, and a couple candybars for the ride home. So yeah on top of that Get to play golf at one of the most top notch golf courses in the area at no cost to my self. And of couse im not goin to walk, i ride in style. There are only two downfalls. Emptying the grease trap, and during the winter my cash flow runs dry. But i can deal cuz I gots da best summuh job evah.

1 comment:

MemphisKell said...

Outdoors and food. That sounds like a boy's dream job. Did you know that your "I think girls are drama queens" video is up on YouTube.