

I think that 90% of everything you learn from kindegarten through 12th grade is just going to be forgotten in a few years so whats the point in even going to school. I have passed all of my math courses ending with Math 12 H. This year i decided not to take calc because i didnt need to. I'm afraid to take it next year in college because i feel like i have already forgotten how to do eveything except multiply and divide. But depending on the job i decide to take, im probably not going to ever need to use any of the stuff i forgot anyways. For now i'll have to rely on winning the lottery as my main source of income.

1 comment:

Kris10 said...

Riiight! I agree with this one, I mean your menstrual cramps thing, maybe not so much but I don't remember 3/4 of the things I learned in like social studies and science. And when am I ever going to have to use the pathagoreon theorem to find out the hypotenuse of a 30 60 90 triangle, yeah never. :)

ps. thanks for that remix of charlie bit my finger it was weird. hahaha